

There's a lot to think about in this course, and in a way I don't think it can end at midnight on the 11th for me. When I registered for Applied Technology I expected a lot of hands-on work, and I got it, and very useful it's been too. I've passed that terribly important point where the threads of the tasks we've performed have become interwoven, and I'm beginning to see the shapes of interconnected systems in the weave.

Passing that milestone makes it possible for actions taken, like commands given at the command line, to have all the necessary associations with the bigger picture that really make reason and memory work effectively. There's been even more to this class, however.

That same sense of an overall fabric of technology has also pulled the threads of planning and project management into its weave. These are subjects to which I'd have been indifferent earlier, and which I now see in context. That may be the most valuable thing I'm carrying away, and that realization has come quite late - late enough that I may have to continue studying for this class long after the deadline has passed.

This late post has been back-dated to keep everything in order.

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